
the artist

Hello beautiful soul, Im Beth.
Ive always been a creative person at heart. I grew up in a household that valued that creativity and I eventually ended up at a K-12 art school, which shaped a lot of what I practise & believe in today.

My journey was not allows linear, in fact graphic design was never even on the table for me. When I graduated high school, I knew I had a yearning for something but like most people, had no idea what it was. I fell into a job in retail for a company I loved & quickly scaled the retail management ladder into a Lifestyle Manager role.

At the time, this role was great for me. I got to exercise my creativity in a lot of ways & had a passion for leadership. But… I quickly outgrew it.

That’s when I discovered the online business space & more specifically the brand & web design world. Let me tell you, when I realized I could mend my passion for good branding with being my own boss and collaborating with other creative business owners, I literally felt like I won the lottery.

My success was not overnight (is it ever?) and the journey has been full of growth, but I am so proud & excited to be able to bring dreamy brand identities & web experiences to life in order to help other creatives THRIVE in their business.